FAAC Breaks New Ground with Low-Cost, High-Fidelity Rail Simulatorns
The advent of the new, portable FAAC MR-1000 Municipal Rail Simulator means that agencies on a budget now can obtain a powerful hands-on training solution.
The MR-1000 simulator makes a small physical footprint but meets the most demanding rail operator training objectives for a variety of rail types, including knowledge of rules and regulations, signal identification, route familiarization, rail operations knowledge, maintaining a schedule, and a fault workstation for isolation, diagnosis, and corrective action.
FAAC’s newest rail simulator system is the product of listening to the industry and accounting for today’s economic realities, said David Bouwkamp, FAAC’s executive director for commercial business development.
“Budgets are tight but that does not diminish the necessity of training, so in a time when budgets are lean our goal is to put forward a high-fidelity trainer for operators that is very affordable for any agency seeking to increase safety and reduce operator error,” Bouwkamp said.
This system is equipped with the same features and functions available on full-sized systems. While the full-size system comes with a custom cab that immerses the student in the training exercise, the MR-1000 can be placed in classrooms, moved between buildings, and brought to where the operators are, rather than incurring the cost of bringing operators to a central location.
The MR-1000’s highlights include:
– Scenario development software
– Real or representative training environment
– Operable signal system
– Fault workstation
– Manual overrides
– User-friendly instructor controls
– Observation station
While this latest innovation to FAAC’s product lineup is focused on value, the company has delivered customer-specific line and signal databases to the highest level of detail. Realistic virtual alignment includes representative traffic signals, traffic control devices, rail signals, interlocks, and switch control systems and markings.
FAAC supports a comprehensive in-house team, including software developers, engineers, digital graphic artists, technical staff, and professional program managers.
“In addition to our talented staff we employ a customer-for-life philosophy in our markets, which means that our relationship begins after the purchase and delivery has been completed,” Bouwkamp said. “Customers can feel isolated after the simulator is installed and a staff trained, and our focus is to let them know that they have an entire family of fellow simulator instructors behind them. We create events for them to share knowledge, like our annual user conference, write articles for trade journals, make our master instructors and curriculum developers available for one-on-one sessions, and other types of support. We value our customers and do not walk away from them.”
For more information on the MR-1000 contact David Bouwkamp at dsb@faac.com or call 734-761-5836.