MILO Range simulation systems and the Verbal Proficiency Training modules allow officers to explore tactics and interventions in complex, nuanced real-world situations. As the name implies, the MILO (“Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives”) simulation system is designed to go beyond marksmanship and firearm training. MILO isn’t just a virtual firing range or a simple “use-of-force” or firearms training simulator. MILO Range simulators are scenario-based “human interaction simulators.”
Police officers working in a MILO scenario face open-ended problems with many possible complications and outcomes. Trainers running the simulation can adapt the scenario in real-time, responding to the police officer’s actions and decisions.
MILO Range simulators include a library of scenarios ranging from routine traffic stops to complex mental health crises and domestic conflicts. These are emotionally immersive role-playing simulation scenarios with branching decision trees. Officers can exercise every facet of their training–fine-tuning their presence, verbal communication skills, and de-escalation strategies to force options when necessary, according to department policy.
Throughout every scenario, the instructor can make adjustments to hone both individual and interdependent aspects of a police officer’s judgment, situational awareness, and de-escalation skills. In every scenario, police officers have all of their de-escalation, communication, and force options on the table. Each scenario-based exercise helps trainees build up their mental endurance, remain in the conversation, and maintain calm in intense situations.