SimBuilder provides advanced missile trajectory and IADS simulations that can produce useful results in real-time or resource-constrained computing environments. Our GUI allows missile simulation for both unclassified versions of known weapons as well as the ability to create a new missile for experimentation or further development. Users can control a variety of missile and sensor parameters to develop simulations that can match the requirements for performance or training needs. As a result, aerospace engineering teams can conduct a careful analysis of a missile model or prototype, as well as train in the use of existing weapons without risk to personnel or equipment.

Data-Driven Weapon System, Countermeasure And IADS Simulations
FAAC’s SimBuilder™ software suite provides a data-driven weapon system and countermeasure simulations for Live-Virtual-Constructive training environments such as Live Air Combat Training Systems, Virtual Flight Simulators, and Synthetic Battlespace. SimBuilder provides generic simulation modules for weapon subsystems including air-to-air, surface-to-air, surface-to-surface and air-to-surface guided weapons. It also includes a generic bomb, rocket, gun, chaff, flare, and jammer modules. The unclassified data-driven modules are used in combination to allow customers to formulate unclassified versions of known weapons. The design provides users with the flexibility to modify weapon parameters using their own intelligence/source information to produce simulations that meet their performance expectations and training needs. Given high-fidelity information, SimBuilder can produce high-fidelity simulation results.
Simulator Features

Build Your Own Simulation
- SimBuilder can provide unclassified simulations based on commercially available weapon system information that can meet most training needs
- For greater fidelity the SimBuilder suite of software is designed to work with a Graphical User Interface that allows for modification of all weapon parameters
- Using the GUI, weapon simulation performance can be enhanced by the Customer to match the customer’s own data
- The GUI allows the customer to create new weapons for experimentation or to add to their existing baseline
- SimBuilder IADS optional add-on allows the customer to modify or create new IADS entities to add to an IADS network.
- Sensor-specific data can be entered and tested in an IADS network to determine detection ranges based on orientation and radar cross-section.

Real Modeling of Weapon Performance
- SimBuilder uses FAAC’s core simulation engine to produce weapon flyouts in real-time
- FAAC’s core simulation engine is a 5-Degree of Freedom approach that is optimal for environments requiring multiple real-time simulations (typically 100+ simultaneous simulation flyouts at a training facility)
- SimBuilder uses the same core simulation engine concepts and designs that are used to develop high-fidelity validated simulations used on US training devices

Enhanced Testing and Analysis: FAAC’s Air Combat Environment for Testing and Training (FACETT)
- Fully integrates the SimBuilder libraries into a 3-D battlespace
- Complete 6-DOF aircraft flight model can be joystick controlled and can launch weapons
- Can replay recorded mission TSPI data to review weapon launches and analyze outcomes
- Can re-run SimBuilder GUI test cases for a better visual understanding of trajectory behavior
- Engagements can be recorded and replayed
- Multiple instances of FACETT can be networked together in real-time
- Full integration of SimBuilder IADS into the FACETT environment allows messages and detections reported to FACETT from SimBuilder IADS.
- Customers can evaluate ingress/egress tactics against an IADS network and evaluate Electronic Countermeasure effectiveness against and IADS network.

SimBuilder Components
- Graphical User Interface – Modify and Test Weapon Simulations
- Modular Air Combat Environment – Test and Replay Scenarios in 3-D environment
- SimBuilder Binary Data file – Contains all weapon parameters, exported by the GUI to be loaded into the real-time library
- SimBuilder Real-Time Library – Integrated into the host application, loads the data file and executes all simulations
- SimBuilder IADS Real-Time Library – Integrated into the the host application, loads the IADS data file and executes the IADS simulations
- SimBuilder IADS Binary Data file – Contains all sensor and IADS data parameters, exported by the GUI to be loaded into the real-time library.
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Learn more about SimBuilder
FAAC’s SimBuilder software suite provides data-driven weapon system and countermeasure simulations for Live-Virtual-Constructive training environments: Live Air Combat Training Systems, Virtual Flight Simulators and Synthetic Battlespace. SimBuilder provides generic simulation modules for weapon subsystems included in air-to-air, surface-to-air, surface-to-surface and air-to-surface guided weapons.
or call us at 734-761-5836