VITALS goes beyond scoring to help instructors consistently train to best practice and agency policy:
VITALS records every action the student takes during the simulated drive: audio and video of the trainee behind the wheel, braking/acceleration actions, steering, curb kicks, response to traffic signals, etc. The system annotates the timeline, tracking trainee actions in color-coded zones so the trainee can see their progress at a glance. The impact their driving behavior has on battery state-of-charge is separately graphed in the VITALS Regen Dashboard. During the after-action review, the instructor can step through the color-coded timeline with the trainee, reviewing the scenario conditions from a variety of points of view (behind-the-wheel, overhead, roadside, etc.), so the trainee can objectively assess the interaction of driving/traffic/environmental conditions and their own driving decisions. The student practices the corrected behavior, re-driving the scenario and variations on that scenario. Once all actions are complete, the colored zones will turn green; trainees can easily track their progress.