FAAC Incorporated supports US Army’s Soldier Virtual Trainer phase II prototype

Ann Arbor, Michigan – November 15 2023 – FAAC Incorporated, a member of Arotech Corporation’s Training and Simulation Division (ATSD), announces the award of US Army Soldier Virtual Trainer (SVT) Phase II to CAE, with FAAC as a contributing team member to the solution. Following a competitive Phase I, with two teams selected to focus on Weapon Skill Development (WSD), the CAE team solution has been selected to proceed into Phase II. The successful down selection was made following a 12-month Phase I effort that included innovating technology insertion and several Soldier touchpoints. The newly awarded SVT WSD Phase II is a 20-month effort to finalize development and baseline the production configuration of the Weapons Skills Development and the SVT Core.
The SVT program is part of the Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI) modernization effort to deliver a Synthetic Training Environment (STE) that will transform how the U.S. Army trains its Soldiers to meet the demands of future missions. As a component of the Army’s Synthetic Training Environment, SVT encompasses Weapon Skills Development, Use of Force, and Joint Fires training. It is expected to replace legacy training systems and fill critical training gaps, providing Soldiers the repetition necessary to train and succeed in multi-domain operations. Weapon Skills Development has been the first focus area with the expected production configuration to be fielded across the globe as the primary weapon skills trainer for the US Army.
As a member of the CAE team, FAAC Incorporated is serving as the lead WSD integrator and WSD software developer. FAAC will be integrating with the Government’s STE Software, SVT Core from CAE, and new weapons technologies from teammates Haptech and Serious Simulation. FAAC has leveraged its experience with weapon simulation from its US Army Virtual Convoy Training Suite, USMC Convoy Combat System, and MILO judgment-skills/use-of-force training product line to successfully support the CAE solution and secure this important award.
About FAAC Incorporated and Arotech Training and Simulation Division
Arotech’s Training and Simulation Division (ATSD) provides world-class simulation and training solutions. ATSD develops, manufactures, and markets right-fidelity solutions to train military, law enforcement, security, municipal and private industry personnel. The division’s fully interactive vehicle operator/crew training systems feature state-of-the-art simulator technology enabling training in situation awareness, risk analysis and decision-making, emergency reaction and avoidance procedures, conscientious equipment operation, and crew coordination. The division’s use-of-force training products and live fire range solutions allow organizations to train their personnel in safe, productive, and realistic environments. The division supplies pilot decision-making support software for the F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22, and F-35 aircraft, simulation models for the ACMI/TACTS air combat training ranges, and Air-Refueling Boom Arm simulators. The division’s live training and test instrumentation systems provides aircraft, including the Apache helicopter, with an immersive networked training environment. The division also provides consulting and developmental support for engineering and research simulation solutions.
Arotech Training and Simulation Division consists of FAAC Incorporated (www.faac.com), Inter-costal Electronics (www.inter-coastal.com), MILO Range Training Systems (www.milorange.com), Shooting Range Industries (www.shootingrangeindustries.com) and Realtime Technologies (www.simcreator.com).