FAAC Releases Tactical Seatbelt DVD to Increase Police Officer Safety
For law enforcement officers, arriving safely to an incident is the first step of resolving the situation they
were called to assist. But in too many cases, line of duty deaths and injuries are the result. And all too
often, the use of a seatbelt could have prevented a tragedy.
In participation with the national awareness campaign to motivate law officers to use seatbelts, FAAC
Incorporated today announced plans to release its training DVD ‘Tactical Seatbelt.’
The Tactical Seatbelt DVD, created by FAAC Public Safety Specialist Chuck Deakins, demonstrates two
separate methods for tactically donning and releasing a seatbelt during a call or pursuit. It teaches
donning and strategically releasing the seatbelt as part of a process an officer goes through as he or she
arrives on scene.
“If you look at the statistics, motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death for police officers,”
Deakins said. “The simple act of donning a seatbelt will undoubtedly save lives; we need to make it a
tactical part of their training and this DVD does that.”
Deakins, an expert in driver training simulation, said he generated the idea for the tactical seatbelt training
from a conversation with a FAAC customer during its annual User Conference. An instructor was
discussing the short amount of time he had to work with students on the simulator, and questioned
whether anything of value could be taught in a 15-minute time period.
Deakins’ solution was to create the tactical seatbelt operation DVD. It is the first in a series of condensed
exercises that will be developed to assist FAAC customers in advancing their EVOC training programs
and a part of its Customer for Life Program.
The DVD demonstrates methods for donning and releasing the seatbelt, and stresses that repetition and
practice, similar to how officers train with their weapons to develop muscle memory, is needed to make
seatbelt usage second nature to officers.
“When you look around and see the driving safety initiatives out there, like the Below 100 campaign, you
realize the scope of the issue,” said David Bouwkamp, FAAC Executive Director for Commercial
Business Development. “Being in the driver training industry, we knew that we could use the expertise
and equipment at our disposal to lend a hand in this very worthy effort.”
FAAC has made the DVD available to the public for download. It can be viewed or downloaded here.