Explore ZEB/EV Innovations with FAAC at the 2024 Zero Emissions Bus Conference ZEBCON (August 27-29, Philadelphia, PA, Booth #32)

The 2024 Zero Emissions Bus Conference will host leaders from myriad industries—from infrastructure to supply chains to products and services—to help clear the path to cleaner, more sustainable public transportation. FAAC is pleased to announce that experts from our groundbreaking simulator training team will be on hand to meet you and answer all your questions. They’re especially interested in helping agencies plan for meeting workforce development requirements and discuss how training and retraining programs can best prepare operators for the ZEB transition.
For the 12th year, the Center for Transportation and the Environment is hosting ZEB Con: the premier event for planners, leaders, fleet operators, and technology experts interested in cutting-edge innovation in the bus transportation industry and electric vehicle technology. Ashwin Naidu, Operations Manager at San Jose Airport, says: “I recommend the ZEB Conference to any fleet operator considering electric buses. Listening and learning from other industry professionals allowed me to see real-world examples of how zero-emission transportation options could be a viable option.”
Make the Most of Your Low-No Grant Training Dollars
The Federal Transit Administration Low or No Emission Grant Program funds state and local agencies shifting to zero-emission and low-emission transit buses. Last year alone, the FTA awarded roughly $1.7 billion in Low-No Grants. These grants include a provision requiring a minimum investment in workforce development—including activities related to employment or education—directly linked to the capital project funded by the grant.
FAAC is especially adept at helping agencies navigate the Low-No Program’s select partner provision. “Named Partners” are specific companies designated in advance to help execute the transition plan associated with the grant application. Designating named patterns significantly streamlines the grant process, which means the project will automatically satisfy the federal government’s requirement for a competitive procurement process. The end result is a much shorter timeline for turning those grant funds into results in your community.
“We are very familiar with Transit Agencies and have been asked to partner on over 16 applications in 2024 alone,” explains Jason Francisco, FAAC’s Transportation Business Manager, who will be at ZEB Con this year. “We have a unique offering with our training simulators, which resonates with agencies, and with a deep background in transit, agencies can trust us to deliver a vetted product. Low-No is becoming increasingly competitive each year, and a training simulator can really highlight how an agency balances its focus as new technology is deployed to its bus fleet, the bus operators are also provided with advancements on the training side for emerging technology.”
FAAC Will Help Get You on the Road
Interested in learning new strategies for training and retraining new and current operators to transition to the ZEB/EV future? Come chat with Jason and David at Booth #32 In Philadelphia, August 26-29. They’re eager to share FAAC’s experience and expertise in using ZEB/EV simulation training technology to fulfill workforce development requirements and get you up and running as smoothly as possible.
Can’t make it to ZEB Con this year, but still eager for more information? Give FAAC a call today. Our experts are looking forward to hearing from you!