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Test, Telemetry and Training Solutions
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Interested in ICE?

Test, Telemetry and Training Solutions
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ICE Lasers are engineered with tight tolerances and application specific divergence to provide long range target acquisition and designation. Lasers are tested to Military Standards and Certified for Air Worthiness Release (AWR).

Featured Products


Training Laser Designator (TLD)


FlashWESS Laser Transmitter (FLT)


Laser Module Unit (LMU)


TESS Gun Control Unit (TGCU)

Lasers TLD

Training Laser Designator (TLD)

The Training Laser Designator (TLD) will be permanently embedded into the Modernized Day Sensor Assembly (M-DSA) for every AH-64D/E Apache Helicopter. The TLD is a self-contained subsystem consisting of a collimated Class 3R (ANSI) 904 nanometer (nm) Laser energy transmitter. A MILES Laser Transmitter enables simulated weapons when Aviation TESS is installed and engaged on the aircraft. The TLD is controlled by the Training Laser Interface Adapter (TLIA) through an RS-485 serial interface. A second “Host” serial interface allows the Modernized Laser Spot Tracker (M-LST) within the M-TADS to receive BIT and status information from the TLD.

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FlashWESS Laser Transmitter (FLT)

The FlashWESS Laser Transmitter (FLT) employs a MILES coded Laser for weapons simulation of missiles, rockets and 30mm cannon for the UH-72A Lakota. The FLT is manufactured by ICE and embedded inside the MX-10 Surveillance Turret manufactured by L-3 WESCAM. The combined assembly is called the Articulating Sensor Package (ASP). The ASP provides day/night video and communicates with the Weapons Processor and Hand Controller for target acquisition and designation engagements. Two color monitors provide a view from the camera angle.

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Lasers LMU

Laser Module Unit (LMU)

The LMU is comprised of a MILES Laser and a boresight Laser. It installed on the ITAS-TESS FTS and operational for target designation up to 4500 meters using MILES sensors. An LCD displays system status, BIT data, far target location, ammunition status, ARM and SAFE indications. The LMU retains boresight during movement over rough terrain and is easily verifiable to line-of-sight.

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TESS Gun Control Unit (TGCU)

The TGCU is mounted within the AH-64D/E 30mm Gun Turret to perform 30mm weapon engagements and is transparent to the aircrew and aircraft. The TGCU is a self-contained subsystem consisting of a MILES coded Laser, a Flash Weapon Effects Signature Simulator (FlashWESS), RS-485 serial communications for control of the ESLRF/D, and a MIL-STD 1553 RT Bus interface that receives commands from the aircraft to control the TGCU Lasers.

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