FAAC Commercial

Transportation News

Explore ZEB/EV Innovations with FAAC at the 2024 Zero Emissions Bus Conference ZEBCON (August 27-29, Philadelphia, PA, Booth #32)

Explore ZEB/EV Innovations with FAAC at the 2024 Zero Emissions Bus Conference ZEBCON (August 27-29, Philadelphia, PA, Booth #32)

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  The 2024 Zero Emissions Bus Conference will host leaders from myriad industries—from infrastructure to supply chains to products and…
Using Simulators to Maximize the Safety and Efficiency of Snow Plow Driver Training

Using Simulators to Maximize the Safety and Efficiency of Snow Plow Driver Training

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  Storms—especially winter storms—are undeniably growing more intense. When a community is digging out from a massive snowstorm, people rely…
Train and Retain: Using Sims for Transit Operator Pre-Hire Assessments

Train and Retain: Using Sims for Transit Operator Pre-Hire Assessments

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  Transit agencies have always struggled with high rates of burnout. Recent trends have made that struggle even harder. The…
Using Sim-based Passenger-Interaction Training to Prevent Bus Operator Burnout

Using Sim-based Passenger-Interaction Training to Prevent Bus Operator Burnout

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As with nearly every other sector, COVID drastically—and unpredictably—affected public transit. In April 2020, a month into lockdown in much…
Are Electric Cars and Electric Buses Giving Riders Motion Sickness?

Are Electric Cars and Electric Buses Giving Riders Motion Sickness?

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Electric cars and zero-emission buses (ZEBs) have revolutionized the way we think about powering our vehicles. No one can deny…
Transit Training for Safe Transition to Zero-Emissions Bus Technology

Transit Training for Safe Transition to Zero-Emissions Bus Technology

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Over the next 15 to 20 years, zero-emission buses (ZEBs) will become the new standard across North America. Already, in…
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