Searcy Police Department started training on their new MILO Range Theater.

Source: Geary, Greg. “New training simulator in Searcy lets officers practice dealing with ‘serious situations’.” The Daily Citizen. July 11, 2023,
Training being held on a new Searcy Police Department simulator that has arrived “puts officers under stress but in the least stressful environment we can make it, so it’s not like they’re making mistakes on the streets out there,” according to Kevin Davis, assistant director of Public Safety for Harding University, who was taking part in the training Tuesday.
“It is a fantastic system to teach decision-making,” Davis said. “This allows them to make mistakes in training. It allows for good training points to be made and is just a fantastic system.”
The Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives simulator is part of a regional training center the Searcy Police Department opened at the safe room annex at Ahlf Junior High School after getting a $200,000 grant for “de-escalation training,” Police Chief Steve Hernandez said.
Hernandez said he was grateful to Searcy School District Superintendent Dr. Bobby Hart for allowing the department to use space in the safe room annex for the simulator, which consists of three large screens that video images are projected on to show real-life scenarios in everyday police work.