MILO has decades of experience delivering comprehensive and immersive simulation training solutions. MILO Range Training Simulators aren’t just for target practice. These are comprehensive, immersive, engaging, scenario-based “human interaction simulators” covering the full range of real-world challenges police officers face. Our training programs are flexible, all-inclusive, and self-contained. We offer students the same hands-on, virtual reality training experience used by law enforcement agencies and academies worldwide.
MILO stands for “Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives.” Every training scenario meets multiple teaching and training goals and is interactive, surpassing the standard “observe and react” training model. This has been shown to build critical thinking and decision-making skills while allowing students to hone their de-escalation and communication skills in every police training module.
Your MILO simulator arrives with an extensive library of complete and customizable training modules. These cover a wide range of training objectives and are appropriate for students at any experience level. Each simulated training scenario offers multiple decision trees and outcomes depending on how the student addresses and works through the incident. For the latest generation of MILO simulations, we’ve incorporated feedback from law enforcement agencies and their partners, expanding the scenario library to incorporate a much more comprehensive range of the most challenging situations officers face today. These include mental health crises, welfare checks, death notifications, interventions, and other emotionally charged scenarios.
MILO simulation systems evolve with the times. Most MILO simulations can now be run as multi-participant exercises, and some are based on the CIT/co-response model gaining traction in many criminal justice systems. Instructors can easily modify their curriculum to meet current needs, adapting the immersive content to include pertinent case law, updated law enforcement procedures, and criminal justice needs specific to their communities.