educational resources

Education Resources

The Effects of Camera Monitoring on Police Officer Performance in Critical Incident Situations: a MILO Range Simulator Study

The Effects of Camera Monitoring on Police Officer Performance in Critical Incident Situations: a MILO Range Simulator Study

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Abstract: Body-worn cameras (BWCs) continue to be adopted by law enforcement agencies around the world, yet how camera monitoring affects…
The Effects of Simulator Training on the Development of Creative Thinking in Law Enforcement Officers

The Effects of Simulator Training on the Development of Creative Thinking in Law Enforcement Officers

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Abstract: The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the relationship between simulation training and police officers’ ability to think…
Put Into Practice

Put Into Practice

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MILO training simulator lets students and law enforcement officers practice decision-making skills. Students studying criminal justice, legal studies, social work,…
Implicit Bias Training Positively Impacts Police – Community Interactions

Implicit Bias Training Positively Impacts Police – Community Interactions

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  Our biases have evolved from upbringing, education, and various experiences and exposures to threat in our lives and they…
The Effects of Camera Monitoring on Police Officer Performance in Critical Incident Situations: a MILO Simulator Study

The Effects of Camera Monitoring on Police Officer Performance in Critical Incident Situations: a MILO Simulator Study

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  Kent State University (KSU) Shares Results of First MILO Range Simulator Study on the Impact of Body-Worn Cameras on…
Reenvisioning Police Training: The Need for Creative Thinking and Instructional Design

Reenvisioning Police Training: The Need for Creative Thinking and Instructional Design

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From  Article: VerPlanck, Joy.“Reenvisioning Police Training: The Need for Creative Thinking and Instructional Design,” Police Chief Online, April 27, 2022.…