How to Become a Better Pistol or Rifle Shooter & Marksman; Draw, Grip, Sight Alignment & More
When it comes to shooting there is no substitute for accuracy. In fact according to experts accuracy is more important than speed especially in situations involving self-defense. That being said one of the most important aspects of law enforcement training is the ability to draw quickly. If you have to reload, your life may depend on your ability to do so quickly without hesitation. Many training courses encourage the use of dummy rounds to teach and enhance response times to clear your weapon and get it operating again. Becoming a better shooter involves a wide range of skills including draw, grip, sight alignment, trigger management, follow through, and situation awareness.
Tips to Become a Better Shot
- Draw: Your draw should always be consistent with your non dominant hand cradling your weapon in front of your chest, keeping your weapon close until you acquire your sight picture. Once you remove your gun from the holster it should be kept in a horizontal position until you reach your target.
- Grip: Always grip with your strongest hand with grip pressure front to back while your trigger finger remains unencumbered to operate the trigger in a smooth motion. Your supporting hand should cover the remainder of the grip which is not covered by your strong hand with the strong thumb on top of the supporting thumb. Your support hand should always be in a position to grasp your strong hand without any gaps between your fingers and the trigger guard.
- Sight alignment: Accurate sight alignment begins with focusing on your target until your gun is extended out for the shot before your focus changes back to the front site which is maintained through the shot and any following shots.
- Trigger management: The management of your trigger is one of the most important considerations when shooting a gun. The trigger pull down will vary depending on the type of weapon for example a double action trigger is best operated with a lot of trigger finger to gain optimal control while a single action trigger is best operated as a push button with a light press. Your trigger should always be prepped to remove any slack to the pressure wall before firing.
- Follow through: Always maintain contact with the trigger when firing off your shot and prepare for the reset cycle during the recoil. Your sight picture should be well maintained during the recovery if your target hasn’t been disabled. Once your target has been disabled and is no longer a threat, bring your gun back towards your body, scanning the area to ensure that there are no further dangers before returning your gun to a holstered position.
- Situational awareness: Your ability to be completely aware of any given situation is an effective tool for avoiding and surviving a gunfight. Once your target has been disabled never let your guard down, consideration should always be given to the odds that your target has an accomplice who may be weighing his or her chances of retaliating against you to assume the stronger position.
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Practice makes perfect. Having access to your own private indoor range, whether on your property or owned by a department you work for or a group you belong to, gives you convenient access to range time.