Legal Handgun, Rifle & Shotgun Modifications; Regulations on Custom Modified Guns & More
There are a lot of firearm enthusiasts that will modify their firearms for creative aesthetics, better performance, and for better physical control. As there are many modifications that are perfectly legal, there are some modifications that are illegal. It is important to be clear on what modifications are legal and those that are not. Shooting Range Industries will cover the legal laws of gun modifications and what modifications are illegal and must be avoided.
Regulations on Custom Gun Modification
There are many modifications that can be made to all types of firearms. When making any changes to the firearm however, it is important to know what is illegal. In June of 1934 the National Firearm Act was established, putting certain regulations on firearms in the United States. The Title 1 act (Gun Control Act of 1968) also regulates the condition of the firearm. Basically, the firearms sold in commercial settings can’t be altered (or modified) and can only be sold with its original design. However, this doesn’t mean modifications can’t be done after purchase. However, there are certain regulations that must be followed.
Illegal Gun Modifications to Avoid
Some common illegal modifications that should be avoided are:
• Cutting of a Shotgun Barrel under the length of 26 inches.
• Rifles Barrels less than 16 inches long or Shotgun Barrel less than 18 inches in length.
• Rifle or shotgun total length under 26 inches long.
• Changing a semi-auto firearm into a fully auto firearm.
• Converting a firearm to a .50 caliber.
There are other regulations of modifications and some vary from state to state. It is important to know your local firearm laws and know what modifications are legal. Consequences of illegal modifications can result in jail time, fines, and the firearm begin confiscated. These laws and regulations are to insure safety.
Legal Gun Modifications
As there are a number of ways to modify a firearm some of the legal modifications follows these basic reasons:
• Aesthetics, which alter or enhance the look of the firearm. While some aesthetic features are for looks or to personalize the firearm, some can also be useful such as sights.
• Caliber conversion is when the caliber of the original firearm is changed smaller or bigger. Sometimes this is needed for better performance for spot, hunting or duty.
• Accurizing a firearm helps make the firearm more accurate, this can be done in different way such as adding weight for better control or when sight enhancements are added. Duty officers often improve the firearm accuracy, as well as competitive sportsmen.
• Conversion of the operating mechanism can range from basic to complex alterations. Basically you can turn a handgun into a rifle, this modification isn’t too common.
• Sporterizing a firearm is when a military weapon is graded down into a civilian owned firearm. This is often done for sports or competition shooters.
Design & Installation of Custom Gun Ranges & Equipment for Firearm Practice & Training
Before modifying your firearm, be sure to learn local gun laws and regulations for your state and never perform any illegal firearm modifications. Shooting Range Industries encourages safe and legal firearm safety and ownership. We proudly provide custom gun ranges to military and law enforcement, and more. For quality range design and state of the art equipment and installation, contact Shooting Range Industries today.