Police Law Enforcement Shotgun Training & Tactical Drills to Practice on the Shooting Range to Improve Firearm Handling, Accuracy & Close Quarter Combat
Shotguns are an overlooked resource in both law enforcement and military. Shotguns are ideal for close range combat, and are equally important among the tactical team. If you are in law enforcement and looking for some extra drills to better handle your shotgun, we at Shooting Range Industries have included a handful of shotgun drills to do just that.
- Basic Shotgun Mounting Drills. Where this a basic drill, it can only continue to improve your handling and accuracy. While on the shooting range begin with your shotgun held in the ready position (butt tucked lightly under your arm, muzzle horizontal or a little higher) and keep your eyes on a specific spot on the target. While keeping your eye on the target point, push the muzzle out towards the target. By pushing the muzzle two or three inches out toward the target the butt of the shotgun is brought out from under your arm, and then you raise the stock to your face. Finally, seat the gun in your shoulder pocket by pulling back with your trigger hand and fire accurately. Doing this over and over will make the action smoother and smoother. In this drill speed is not important; the point of this exercise is be more familiar with your shotgun and hitting your target. Your speed will come later.
- Weak Hand Shooting Drills. Both law enforcement officers and military personnel can benefit from close quarter shotgun combat. But being prepared to handle your weapon with the weak hand as the primary hand should be implied. To start, shoot your weapon with the weak hand from traditional shooting positions as well us nontraditional shooting positions. Make sure to incorporate loading your shotgun with the weak hand as well. After a few static practices, shoot the same targets, and reload with the weak hand while on the move. The more familiar you become with the weak hand the more drills you can perform on the weak side.
- Shotgun Flashlight Drill. This drill is still more beginner oriented, but will still hone your skills. The idea is to handle your shotgun without having to constantly keep your eyes on it. Instead of keeping focus on the target, demonstrate open awareness to any additional threats. Ensure your shotgun’s flashlight is mounted on and is set accordingly to shine where the muzzle is pointed. If possible, establish your drawing drills in the dark to shine the light on the target. Continue to practice this drill until the action is smooth, and you’re dead on target before you begin firing live rounds. Next, swing the gun back and forth as if shooting crossing shots all the while the beam on the seam is between the wall and ceiling. Practice that movement until it becomes fluid, and then combine the two movements together. Now start from the ready position and move the muzzle and follow the flight line to your target. Finally, as you swing the muzzle, bring the stock to your face and the gun into your shoulder. You want this exercise to smooth and fluid. After a few practice drills, add firing on the target.
Custom Shooting Range Design, Bullet Traps, Equipment & Accessories for Civilian, Military & Law Enforcement Pistol & Shotgun Practice & Training Drills
There are many additional drills you can practice with your shotgun. The more drills and firing at the shooting range you undertake, the more efficient and accurate you can be with your shotgun. Contact Shooting Range Industries for information on our custom shooting ranges.