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MILO Range Classroom Training System

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Classroom Training

The MILO Classroom system is a full-featured classroom presentation and testing tool. It was designed specifically to help agencies using MILO Range products maintain consistency across multiple training phases. By utilizing the same lessons and curriculum that MILO Range systems use, in addition to supporting all existing curriculum such as Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations and other documents, MILO Classroom offers agencies a simplified way to create and utilize the curriculum, quantify training and educate students from recruitment to retirement.


The MILO Classroom system comes standard with 24 easy to use keypads.  The intuitive keypads use either RF or IR technology and can support more than 300 simultaneous students. The instructor can easily assign a keypad to each student and save the setup for recall in the future. Then select a lesson and begin. During the session, the instructor can monitor student’s answers in real-time, pose additional questions using the verbal polling feature, and illustrate concepts using the software whiteboard. In addition, the MILO KnowledgeBase features can be used before during and after the session to present existing agency curriculum onto the projected screen.

Illustrate concepts quickly and easily. You can even save and print your whiteboards. Optional pen tablets can provide additional illustration options.

Verbal Poll
With the polling features of the Classroom system, you can instantly poll the audience and get real-time answers.

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KnowledgeBase was developed exclusively by MILO Range in response to our customer’s desires to show student policy documentation and supporting information while debriefing them during the training session. With KnowledgeBase, instructors can store agency documents, presentations and videos in a single location on the MILO system for recall and display to student (on the projected screen) at the click of a button from within the debriefing screen. This allows them to reinforce policy and to address missed learning objectives.
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System Includes:

The MILO Classroom System Includes

• MILO Classroom laptop system
• Microsoft Office suite with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
• 24 Wireless Keypad System
• Audio System
• 25+ Interactive classroom scenarios
• MILO KnowledgeBase document presentation software
• Transport Case

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MILO Range Classroom