Mission Specific Training
The MILO Range Mission Specific Training System offers the most advanced feature set available for interactive judgment training for school officials, mental health professionals, in-custody corrections officers, and security forces. No other system can deliver a more realistic, adaptable training environment to your mission.
In addition to ready-to-train scenarios, an extensive library of interactive exercises is included ranging from simple diagnostic drills to advanced judgment and decision-making applications. Optional MILO Course Designer software empowers instructors to create new, fully interactive video scenarios allowing them to apply their policies and procedures in a familiar environment.
All from a company with 25 years of simulation experience and backed by our 24/7 technical support, the MILO Mission Specific Training System makes it easy to create a safe, reliable, and effective training program.

Corrections/In-Custody Training
MILO’s Corrections and In-Custody scenarios have been instrumental in meeting the training needs of Corrections Officers charged with overseeing and participating in the custody, security, and treatment of prisoners or detainees in correctional facilities, including major institutions, camps, and correction re-entry or detention centers. The training scenarios are specifically designed to train Corrections Officers on effective face-to-face interactions and de-escalation skills.
Examples of corrections/in-custody situations include:
• In-cell suicide attempt
• Yard/cell/chow hall disruption
• Hostage situation
• Prisoner mental health response
• Transportation safety
• Therapy session disruption

Healthcare Security Training System
MILO’s Healthcare Security and Safety scenarios have been instrumental in meeting the training needs of Police Officers and Security Officers charged with protecting citizens during some of their most vulnerable times. Time spent at the hospital can be uncertain and stressful, and these training scenarios are specifically designed to train Officers to help people through those situations.
Examples of healthcare security situations include:
• Trespassing on Hospital Property
• Emotionally Disturbed Persons
• Employee Disturbances
• Waiting Area Encounters
• Patient Interactions
• Family Member Interactions

Mental Health Response Training
MILO’s Mental Health Response scenarios have been instrumental in meeting the training needs of Mental Health Professionals and Police Officers responding to incidents involving a person exhibiting mental health symptoms. The training helps Mental Health Professionals and Officers identify signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and utilize a range of de-escalation techniques.
Examples of mental health situations include:
• Welfare check – meds, etc.
• Autism spectrum
• Homeless encampment
• Disturbance in a public place
• Suicidal subject

Probation and Parole Training System
MILO’s Probation and Pre-Trial scenarios have been instrumental in meeting the specific training needs of Probation Officers, addressing situations that Probation Officers face on a day-to-day basis. MILO’s Probation scenarios are filmed at and created with guidance from the United States Pre-Trial and Probation Academy in Charleston, South Carolina. These unique scenarios were created with the novel mission of the Probation Officer in mind and meet all current Academy training objectives for scenario-based virtual training.
Examples of probation and parole situations include:
• Home Visits
• Employment Visits
• Urinalysis screenings
• Courtroom Incidents
• 3rd Party Incidents
• LGBTQ+ and implicit bias

School Safety Response Training
MILO’s School Safety scenarios have been instrumental in helping School Administrators and Staff Members prepare and train for unexpected situations involving students, staff, and community members. These training scenarios prepare Administrators and Staff to safely and effectively respond to active aggressor situations in school settings.
Examples of school safety situations include:
• Irate parent on school grounds
• Active shooter (student/adult)
• Multiple active threats
• Hostage situation
• Student on student/admin assault
• Run/Hide/Barricade/Fight

Security Forces Training
MILO’s Security Forces scenarios have been instrumental in helping Airmen train for complex objectives with a broad range of purpose. The duties of Security Forces are multi-faceted, and training requires a comprehensive approach that addresses garrison, combat, and support missions. The training scenarios prepare Airmen to address components beyond interpersonal skills and weapon proficiency.
Examples of Security Forces situations include:
• Gate-runners
• Active Shooter
• Domestic disturbance
• Traffic stops
• Unauthorized access
• De-escalation
The System
The more realistic the training the more effective the results. That’s why MILO supports a host of system features that you can use to simulate virtually any scenario.
Available on the following fully portable platforms: MILO Range Classic, Advanced, and MSATS systems.
System Features:
• Complete system in one case
• Instructor–controlled multi-branching response options
• Intuitive Windows-based Instructor Interface
• Safe, simulated laser-based force options
• Marksmanship and interactive graphics-based firearms drills
• Full training records & reporting module
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Learn more about MILO Range Mission Specific Training
The MILO Range Mission Specific Training System is the most advanced feature set available for interactive judgment training for school, mental health, and in-custody/corrections training.
or call us at 800-344-1707